GLORY-Cosmetic Hungary Ltd. has a more than 20-year-long experiencein trade, distribution and manufacturing on the Hungarian, furthermore, European hygienic- and cosmetic-profiled markets. We are proud of being able to contribute to the popularization of hand sanitizers, therefore, everyday hygiene, and to create a habit of its everyday usage.

Due to the constant expansion of our products’ range, we have incorporated our distributed products’ brands under a  ollective brand name: that is GLORY.

Within our brand, the supply of our Dead Sea products consists of cosmetics that possess natural ingredients. Our other main product line includes products, such as hand sanitizers, liquid soaps, body washes, hair and foot care products, moreover, massage creams that support sport and workout activities.

Besides keeping an affordable and acceptable price levei, we are constantly supervising our products’ quality and their production’s progress; at the same time, we take special care for their improvement and innovation as well. Besides the serving of retailers and wholesale traders, as well as webshops, we are glad to receive direct feedback and questions on our social media channels, such as Glory Europe on Facebook and lnstagram, furthermore on our website, on www.gloryhungary.hu. The management of GLORY Cosmetic Hungary Ltd.



Glory Dead-Sea Products International Awards